Tziur B'Dibbur Program – tentative

Let me know what you think, please! What would work for you? You have to read the Aley Zayit post first…

The Tziur B’dibur “Mussar” program

1.    First:

Read the intro to the book Aley Zayis B’fihah for the basic idea behind this, and eitzahs to work with.

Every day, within a period of ten minutes, to be misbonen on the pasuk הודו לה’ כי טוב, כי לעולם חסדו.

My translation: “Thank Hashem since it is good, (how do I know) since His chesed is eternal.” His chesed is forever, it may not be experienced that way now, but it is… We have the choice to see as much as we can now, and to look for his chesed everywhere.
I suggest repeating the pasuk at least ten times with intent and feeling, and any images etc… that you can associate it with. (See 1.)

Individual Thanks

Think of five things that you have to be thankful for, and a specific reason why, say Thank you Hashem for X because it (example: Thank you Hashem for my hands, because I can use them to type Torah on my keyboard)… thank You, thank You, thank You.) For each item. This can be included in the ten minutes.
The thank you items can be the biggest or the smallest.

Next, add the pasuk )really the second half of a pasuk) והבוטח בה’ חסד יסובבנו For the one who trusts in Hashem, Chessed, kindness, surrounds him.

The Maggid and Rabeinu B’chayey explain that having your machshovas in line with chessed, believing Hashem wants to give you chessed chinam even if you don’t deserve it… places your neshama’s root in line with the source of Chesed (wherever your thoughts are, that’s where you are), and automatically draws down good things in your life.
Again, repeat this pasuk at least ten times. You can even include this in the ten minutes… The more time the better but:
Twenty repetitions at four per minute is five minutes. Plus five minutes for the thank you’s. It can easily suffice. No excuses. If you have longer, more imaging etc… do it.
It is important to set a time to do this. Right before sleeping if you don’t crash, right when you wake up if you are a morning guy, right after davening with your talis on and a sefer in front of you… Better to have a set time! Missed your set time? Do it anytime! Only problem is you can’t do it in the bathroom.

When You Have a Free Second

When you are not doing anything else, when you are walking, or spacing out, or whatever, try to say one of these pasukim – even just the words with no kavannah. Maybe make a little tune. You can also choose a particular pasuk you want to work on. These pasukim are chosen because they will definitely help you in all other areas. This I can guarantee.
But, if you already want to work on your desire for Torah or Tefillah, pick a pasuk that works for you.

Summary of Daily Practice

  1. At least ten times הודו לה’.
  2. Five thank you’s. They can be as insignificant as the pen you hold, or as important as your wife. Whatever comes to mind.
  3. At least ten times הבוטח בה’.
  4. Have a pasuk on your lips throughout the day.
  5. Got it? Great! This is easy!!

Weekly Practice

Every day has a middah, and associated energies it was created with, as per the Gemorah in Shabbos describing the middos of those born on different days. It is befitting to try and tap into that positive shefah, divine influx, on that day of the week.

Yom Rishon (Sunday)

Chessed.  Loving kindness, expansiveness.
Knowing that a practice is not a practice, and is useless without real commitment, I ­______________________________________, hereby take on for the next month, 30 days, beginning __________ continuing until __________ , a constant commitment to the following daily and weekly practices:

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