About the Project

I’m hoping this book is mitoch she’lo l’shmah ba l’shmah. It hasn’t started with the purest of intentions, but I think it is something that could be very beneficial to Klal Yisrael, and the public at large.
I’ve been writing and translating other people’s Torah for the past four years, and I kind of said thought, “Enough of this, what about my Toyrah?” And I thought, hey, if I put together this useful, well written, deep and intelligent booklet on making peace with God and one’s self, it would really be a good marketing tool for a career in counseling! And maybe people would like me, and tell me I’m cool and smart and funny and stuff.
Hopefully it wasn’t really that bad, but it wasn’t a hundred percent. 🙂 The fact is we’re human. Our l’shmah is never a hundred percent. Shelo L’shmah is a necessary stage to get where we’re going, and there are levels in that to. Infinite level, because Hashem is Eyn Sof, and there’s always more to go. The important thing is to get in touch with our neshamahs, and do things because Hashem wants us to. That will give us the real satisfaction, even though that should not be our focus.
I’m not a Chabadsker (I don’t even play one on TV.), but I actually got a big push from the Lubavitcher Rebbe zt”l to go forward with this. Just a few days before I was looking at source material for my online college courses from a Jewish institute. The Jewish History course was on the Megilla. So there’s a link to this Purim farbrengen… I check it out, and there is the Rebbe zt”l saying (In Yiddish, you can click the link to see it with sub-titles) “If you are a writer, any you have the talent for writing, you must write things that tell people that there is a ba’al ha’bayis (master of the house) in the palace! Even though there are people running wild, Hashem is running things! And if you write one book it will be successful, and so you will produce another! You must use your talents to the maximum!” So I said, “Yes, sir Rebbe, sir.”
The book is about my favorite topics: What is God? Where do we fit in? (Literally.) What are we doing here? Why does bad stuff happen? What are Torah and mitzvahs for. You know, the juicy stuff.
I actually got a big push from the Lubavitcher Rebbe zt”l to go forward with this. Just a few days before I was looking at source material for my online college courses from a Jewish institute. The Jewish History course was on the Megilla. So there’s a link to this Purim farbrengen… I check it out, and there is the Rebbe zt”l saying (In Yiddish, you can click the link to see it with sub-titles) “If you are a writer, any you have the talent for writing, you must write things that tell people that there is a ba’al ha’bayis (master of the house) in the palace! Even though there are people running wild, Hashem is running things! And if you write one book it will be successful, and so you will produce another! You must use your talents to the maximum!” So I said, “Yes, sir Rebbe, sir.”
The idea is; when a person has more information about what’s going on he is less fearful, less angry, less hurt. Perspective can help us heal our relationship with Hashem and ourselves, the same way proper understanding between people fosters peace and harmony. (“Lack of bitachon is a failure to dan Hashem l’kav zkhus –  judge God favorably.” Information gives you the tool to help you realize you need to change the way you are looking at things.)
I plan on adding experiential exercises and questions after each section when the book starts taking place, so it will be unique in that way.
I mentioned that the tentative title is “Oh God, What’s the Point?” That’s a half joke… Please help with a great title!
If you want to contribute anything to this book besides a title (a huge help in itself), to be more a part of it – with your advice, criticism, support, editing, proofreading, or funds for all of that and publishing – let me know in the contact form. You can donate via paypal below, and you can contact me concerning dedications as well.  Thank you so much for your interest!

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